Sunday, April 5, 2015

C = Challenge + D = DANCE

A to Z Blog Challenge: Days Three and Four


A challenge, to me, often means stepping out of my box and trying something new or something I perceive as being difficult. It could be pulling out something old and challenging myself to take a look at it with fresh eyes. It could mean trying a new genre of writing. I think to grow as a writer you have to continually challenge yourself. This doesn't mean you have to be successful in every new challenge but I think it helps you to better understand what your strengths and weaknesses are. To be an author is a challenge and I often remind myself that if writing wasn't a challenge the work wouldn't be so rewarding!

During my author presentations I show children this picture from my first dance recital. I think it's important for them to look at what their passions are and I explain how my dance has influenced the stories I write. It's the passion I've had longer than any other in my life. When I write about dance I can write from my heart.


Linda Bozzo has published more than 50 nonfiction books for the school and library market. For more information about Linda and her books, you can visit her website.

Copyright 2015 Linda Bozzo


  1. I recently challenged myself to write a completely different kind of book. Just like my Lemon Meringue pie that turned into Lemon Soup, I got an "A" for effort even if the content got a thumbs down!

  2. When at first you don't succeed . . .
